$20.00 inc. GST AUD

Ammonite Fossil (Pick your Own)

Adorn your living space with this ancient marvel, fusing history and aesthetics into a unique décor statement. Add it to your crystal collection as a tangible link to the Earth’s distant history, and let the Ammonite Fossil whisper its ancient tales into your soul. Its spiral-shaped shell showcases intricate ridges, resembling the ancient wisdom of a bygone era. These fossils date back millions of years, preserving the essence of prehistoric oceans within their very structure.

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Crystal Meaning

As you hold this ancient treasure, you can’t help but feel a connection to the ancient seas and the diverse life that flourished within them. The Ammonite fossil symbolizes deep time, evolution, and the cycle of life. It invites you to contemplate the immense history of our planet and the countless generations that have come before us.
Beyond its aesthetic appeal, the Ammonite fossil carries metaphysical properties, believed to promote stability, grounding, and protection. It is revered as a symbol of good fortune and transformation, reminding us of the inherent resilience and adaptability of life.

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

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