Original price was: $10.00.Current price is: $5.00. inc. GST AUD


Aquamarine Tumbled Stone

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Embrace the power of tumbled stones as your daily companions, and watch as they infuse your life with their natural beauty and positive energies. Elevate your well-being, enhance your meditation practice, or kindle the spark of a new crystal enthusiast—these tumbled stones are your versatile companions on your journey of self-discovery and healing. Introduce your loved ones to the wonders of crystal healing with this thoughtful collection. Each stone carries its own unique properties, offering a diverse range of benefits. Hold them in your hand, place them on your body, or simply gaze upon their soothing colors. Let their energies guide your practice, fostering a deeper connection with your inner self and the universe.

10 in stock

In stock
AQST001 ,

Crystal Meaning

Aquamarine, a stone of remarkable courage, has been revered since ancient times as a powerful talisman for sailors, providing them with protection during their journeys across the vast seas. Embracing the energy of Aquamarine is akin to unlocking a treasure coveted by mermaids, bestowing eternal youth and boundless happiness.
This enchanting gem holds the key to closure, facilitating the release of blocked communication and paving the way for self-expression to flow freely. It serves as a catalyst for enhanced spiritual gifts, opening the doors to heightened intuition, clairvoyance, and divine connection. As you journey with Aquamarine, a profound state of consciousness and spiritual awareness is evoked, transporting you to realms of profound insight and inner knowing.

Weight 0.030 kg
Dimensions 2 × 2 × 2 cm


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