$60.00$80.00 inc. GST AUD

Citrine Double Point

Introducing the Citrine Double Terminated Point, a radiant gem born from the transformation of the controlled heat treatment of Amethyst. This unique crystal showcases a harmonious fusion of warm hues and powerful energies, making it a versatile addition to your collection. With its dual terminations that taper to distinct points at both ends, this crystal becomes a conduit for energy flow, effortlessly channeling and balancing vibrations. Place the Citrine Double Terminated Point in spaces where you seek heightened focus, creativity, and positivity.


Crystal Meaning

Step into the enchanting realm of Citrine, a crystal that beckons abundance, prosperity, and success into your life. Allow its vibrant energy to embrace you, guiding you towards a path of limitless possibilities and inner fulfillment. This radiant crystal also works wonders for bolstering self-esteem and self-confidence, effectively dispelling destructive tendencies that may hinder personal growth. Mentally, Citrine acts as a powerful concentrator, reinvigorating the mind and fostering inner calm to allow the emergence of wisdom. It promotes individuality, ignites motivation, and sparks the flames of creativity.

Common Citrine or (heat treated Amethyst), goes through a meticulous heat treatment process, this crystal undergoes a metamorphosis, transforming into the golden hues of Citrine. Embrace the beauty and power of heat-treated Citrine, a crystal that embodies the essence of transformation and abundance.

Weight 0.050 kg
Dimensions 8 × 2 × 2 cm

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