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Malachite Tumbled Stone

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Embrace the power of tumbled stones as your daily companions, and watch as they infuse your life with their natural beauty and positive energies. Elevate your well-being, enhance your meditation practice, or kindle the spark of a new crystal enthusiast—these tumbled stones are your versatile companions on your journey of self-discovery and healing. Introduce your loved ones to the wonders of crystal healing with this thoughtful collection. Each stone carries its own unique properties, offering a diverse range of benefits. Hold them in your hand, place them on your body, or simply gaze upon their soothing colors. Let their energies guide your practice, fostering a deeper connection with your inner self and the universe.

6 in stock

In stock
MALTS001 ,

Crystal Meaning

Malachite, a powerful and transformative stone, offers a unique array of benefits to those who embrace its energy.
Embracing the energies of malachite can help you find comfort and stability during times of change and uncertainty. It supports you in adapting to new situations, ensuring that you maintain balance and harmony throughout the process. In relationships, malachite encourages open communication, understanding, and the preservation of equilibrium, fostering healthy connections and partnerships. When embarking on a journey, whether physical or metaphorical, malachite serves as a trusted companion, providing a shield of protection. Its energy surrounds you, safeguarding your travels and guiding you to your destination with safety and security.

Weight 0.030 kg
Dimensions 2 × 2 × 2 cm


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